No matter what yo do - as long as you do something you are improving your healthy and fitness.

Your ideal exercise plan should include, cardiovascular, weight and flexibility training.


The cardiovascular Program should:

You should be shooting for between 200 and 300 minutes of aerobic exercise in one week.

This can be done by walking for 10 minutes two to three times a day, in 30 minutes per session per day – or any way you want to spread it out over 5 – 7 days.

There are a lot of activities you can engage into achieve you aerobic exercise. I am sure you can come up with quite a few, but here are some suggestions:


Walk or Run

Ride a bike

Roller skate

Roller Blade


The strength/weight training program:

- Should start with body weight progressing to heaver weight when you can complete an extra set of exercises without strain

- Should be challenging with causing injury

- perfect form

- Variety

- Safety

The Flexibility program should:

- stretch at least 3 times a week but preferably 5-7 times a week

- place yourself into proper position and posture in preparation for the stretch

- during the stretch pay close attention to your breathing, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through your mouth

- close your eyes if this increases concentration and/or relaxation

- each stretch should be held for approximately 30 seconds and should be done 2-3 times

- as you stretch your muscles will relax allowing you to stretch further; continue to breath properly increasing your - stretching range as you exhale

- avoid bouncing while stretching

- return to a start position slowly, gradually allowing muscles to return to their resting length

Equipment - nice to have  but not required:


resistance bands/rubber tubes

stability ball

medicine ball

mat – I use a yoga mat

music – this helps set the pace and helps relax you

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